Musings of a wandering mind

I talk, I sleep, I eat, I breathe; like most other human beings. But I doubt who else would have such volumes of thoughts racing through their head at the same time.
Why is it that the world seems to be rushing around? Everything is flying fast, birds chirping and the thunder roaring. Nobody has time. We all are so occupied in our lives, we have become so much mechanical that even our heart has started behaving heartlessly. Why is it that we are always expected to be at our best? Why are we still supposed to receive A+ on our report cards? Why does everybody look for ROI in every relationship they have?

 Money, cash, debit cards, transfer, discounts and offers matter more to people than anything else. People no longer consider it essential in giving a reason for leaving a job or even a relationship. Yes moving on is the most natural solution to all problems; but is that really a move, on?

 I'm tired, tired of all the mechanical stuff, the fake smiles, the broken wings and the heavy hearts.

 We carry degrees from the so-called top-notch universities and call ourselves educated. Everybody is rushing in the race to excel. Everybody is trying all means to get noticed, playing games and moving ahead. Politics is everywhere. Filth has come out from the dustbin of our souls and is spreading garbage everywhere. There is not much value for someone who might have a functional interior but possesses a shabby appearance. All that matters is the glittery $1900 outfit and the plastic coloured face.

 And then again the world is a lot easier for someone who is a good talker than someone who isn't. In fact, the world runs with good talkers than good-doers. You might have done a lot, but at the end of the day, it will be the one who 'shows' who steals the show.

I'm a not an excellent communicator either. I make spelling errors, grammatical blunders, but that doesn't stop me from writing and sharing. I'm not the best at everything. I do not succeed to give my 100% all the time, I did not receive A+ all the time, I do not have an hourglass figure either, but I'm not one of those who calculate ROI projections before making friends. Maybe I should have, or perhaps I should start now, but there's a little something that doesn't let me not be me.

 No, wait for no; I guess I will continue to be just me rather than be plastic and be tagged perfect by others.


  1. its so true! We are so occupied chasing the materialistic pleasures and the plastic beauty that the real essence of life and love is being lost...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. U will be good author my friend... U described very nice but the things is that life is like this only! Instead of expect others v have to change our life n make the path that v like to live (Y)

  2. Very well written. Always a pleasure reading your articles.


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